AutoCAD for interior designers

Learn the ins and outs of one of the most versatile software programs available to interior designers. AutoCAD doesn’t have to be hard or boring.'re missing out

AutoCAD gets a bad rap in this industry. It can be seen as too technical or complicated. It can also be seen as too boring to show off the most creative work of an interior designer. I’m here to say that’s simply not true. AutoCAD can open up a whole set of new doors for a designers, communicating their best ideas effectively to both clients and fellow professionals.

by the end of this course, you'll have mastered:


the interface and key principles

The black screen and seemingly thousands of buttons will be familiar and easy to navigate.


the core drawing and modifying skills

The basics will be covered in depth so you know exactly how to draw and modify anything you might imagine in AutoCAD.


how to use AutoCAD to efficiently organize a drawing file

Not knowing where to start when it comes to layers, blocks, references and more is a thing of the past.


how to approach the essential drawing types for interior design

How to actually draw floor plans, elevations, sections, details, plan obliques, and isometric drawings step-by-step.


how to set up drawings for project phases and styling

No more wasting time 'chasing your tail' around a CAD drawing. You'll know how to efficiently and effectively structure your files and folder for various project phases as well as styling your drawings for success.


how to set up and use your own templates

And finally, how to design and set up your own personal templates to make you even more efficient and effective in utilising AutoCAD in your projects and business.

How long it will take you to complete this course?

I've estimated how long it will take to complete the whole course depending on how much time you can commit on a weekly basis. I recommend working through the course within the first couple weeks. This way you can complete the course during an AutoCAD trial period before you invest in the software itself and where you get consistent. Of course, some students can complete it more quickly, while some students can take more time over it. The key will be to work with AutoCAD consistently to make sure the skills taught are reinforced.

4 hrs

if you spend 4 hours a day on the course, you’ll finish in less than a week.

1 hrs

if you spend 1 hour per day on the course, you’ll finish in less than a month.

2 hrs

if you spend 2 hours per day on the course, you’ll finish in less than 2 weeks. 

1/2 hr

if you spend a half hour per day on the course, you’ll finish in less than two months.

8 hrs

if you spend 8 hours a day on the course, you’ll finish it in 3 days.

autocad for interior designers mockup without background

AutoCAD for Interior Designers

ready to enroll?

one-time payment of $397

*For USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa customers. I’m a one-woman show, so ensuring I’m compliant with all laws and tax regulations is a pretty big job. As a result, I’m only able to serve these countries for now. 



What makes this course different?

In my years of researching CAD courses as well as teaching CAD, I know that generally there a few ways these courses are done:

That’s not me. I remember all too well when this software was still new and confusing. So throughout the course I want to make sure you know it’s ok when it’s not ok.

who is the course for?






This course has been designed for anyone working in the interior sector of the design and construction industry. 


"I will be recommending this course to everyone with an interest in learning more about the technical side of this field."

I just wanted to reach out to express my gratitude for this course. I went to school for design and so I have a pretty solid base knowledge of things so I was a bit skeptical about how it might help me. I was so pleasantly surprised! I feel I have really benefitted from having an interior design-focused AutoCAD course. A lot of what I was taught at university focused more on the architectural side. I have learned so much from your classes and it has given me the confidence to be successful in my career change. Seriously, I cannot thank you enough! I will be recommending this course to everyone with an interest in learning more about the technical side of this field. Thank you for putting this together.

what's inside the AutoCAD for interior designers course?

My AutoCAD for Interior Designers course is structured with three types of modules:
  1. The first four modules are core modules. This is where you learn the fundamentals and get to grips with the software. If you’ve already dabbled in AutoCAD some of this might be familiar but I’ve streamlined these to make sure you learn those things that you use 90% of the time and then those really helpful things that you use the other 10%.
  2. The next three modules are workflow modules. This is where you learn how to apply the fundamentals and create specific drawings, structure your files for projects, and style your drawings for technical and more presentation documents.
  3. The last module is a bit of a bonus module. It’s absolutely not necessary to learn and use the software but it walks you through the ins and outs of creating your own AutoCAD templates. Templates are kind of one my favorite things if you haven’t noticed. And knowing the things to consider to make efficient and effective templates can make your drawing life easier.
I’m really proud of this structure because in my experience, most AutoCAD courses cover just the core modules or cover some core skills and a single workflow. My course is designed to make sure you get a more complete introduction to the software and how it can be used in your day-to-day work within this industry.

the core modules

module 1

interface & introduction

In Core Module 1, you will learn:

module 2

drawing & modifying

In Core Module 2, you will learn:

module 3

Layers, blocks, and references

In Core Module 3, you will learn:

module 4

layouts & Plotting

In Core Module 4, you will learn:

the workflow modules

wmodule 1

drawing workflows

In Workflow Module 1, you will learn:

wmodule 2

project workflows

In Workflow Module 2, you will learn:

wmodule 3

styling workflows

In Workflow Module 3, you will learn:


"I am almost halfway through the course. I have to say, it's been so helpful for me!"

I am enrolled in a beginner CAD class through my university's master's program but the way you structure everything has been more practical for me. I needed this reset to help me prepare for my final project. Thank you for offering this course! You have given me hope that I will be able to become proficient enough to work in this industry!!

the bonus module



In the Bonus Module, you will learn:

Plus these extras

Along the way through each of these modules, there is a course handbook PDF to guide you through the course, 75+ pages of printable workflow cheatsheets, summaries, checklists, etc. 

+ monthly q&a recordings

For 6 months after you enroll in the course, you’ll be invited to submit questions including files and screenshots.  Any questions submitted within the month will be answered via a recording that’s sent out via email.

+ a growing FAq library

In addition to the key course content, there’s a FAQ library with over two dozen videos answers to help address any common hiccups or challenges when learning the software

what you get if you order today:

all core modules and workflow modules

including videos and practice files as well as the course handbook and cheatsheets to guide you through the process

the bonus module all about templates

including videos and some starter template files to set you out on the right foot

Monthly Q&A + FAQ library

6 months worth of monthly Q&As delivered directly into your inbox to get questions answered plus a growing FAQ library to help you figure out the solution if you get stuck or have a technical hiccup.

what if it doesn't work for me?

If you’re not quite sure or have been left disappointed by other trainings, I get it. You might not want to take the plunge again. This is why all my students get 2 full weeks to dive into the tuition and see if it works for them. If you can show that you watched the videos, completed the exercises and still weren’t able to achieve a satisfactory final result with the tuition in 14 days, I’m happy to give you your money back. More details on the refund policy here. 

But I’m SO confident that you’ve never learned like this from someone like me. Designers teaching fellow designers will make the difference. This training will help you accelerate your learning and far outrun going it alone. AND it will be something you can come back to again and again unlike some in-person trainings that just fade in your memory quickly. 


"Your class has saved me! I really think I am getting the hang of AutoCAD."

Mary C.

The big questions & answers before you enroll

So in case you have any more questions, I've answered those here in this FAQs.

How long do I have access to course? 

Lifetime access! 

You’ll have access to the course forever. 

Is this course for PC or Mac users?

This course uses a PC to demonstrate the skills and workflows. However, I prioritise using typed commands as the primary means of working with the software. As someone who’s worked with both Mac and PC professionally, knowing the typed commands gives you the greatest flexibility to working between operating systems.

Can I use an iPad for this course?

Unfortunately, no…

While AutoCAD for iPad is a great little app, it doesn’t have the power you need to create professional drawings. This course uses the desktop application so you’ll need a laptop or desktop to follow along. 

Do I have to purchase AutoCAD to complete this course?

Not at all.

The course is designed to be completed within the AutoCAD LT trial. Of course, if you’re a student on a degree or diploma course, you may actually have full free access to AutoCAD anyway, but if you’re not, you can still complete the course within that trial period before committing to investing in the software. 

What version of AutoCAD do I need for the course?

I use AutoCAD LT 2023 throughout the course, but really any version will be fine as the tuition prioritises using typed commands which means you’ll be working within the software in a way that doesn’t depend on a particular version of the interface. 

I also think AutoCAD LT is all you need to produce some great drawings. I even include a few work arounds for the few limitations that AutoCAD LT has – but overall, you can produce all you need in this much more affordable version of AutoCAD. 

What level of design experience do I need for this course?

This course has been considered for both interior design students and working professionals. 

So you don’t have to be an expert, but you do need to know some basics. Like if you know the principles of a floor plan and the basics of a design or drawing process, you’ll be absolutely fine. 

When is the course available?

Instant Access! 

As soon as your purchase is processed, you’ll be automatically enrolled and given access to the course. 

(Only if something went wrong in the payment processing should their be a delay! and I’ll be working hard to help get that fixed if that’s the case). 

Will I receive any updates on the course?

Any student that enrolls now will also receive free access to any additional updates or resources that get added to the course itself. 

Not sure I can invest in the course right now, is it really worth it?

If you’ve got a whole lot of time and persistence, you can learn a lot of this on your own. However, this course is designed to give you a shortcut to developing proficiency. That shortcut will save you time, so it’s up to you to decide if your time is worth the cost of this course.  I think it is. 🙂 

Can I get a refund?

If you’re not quite sure or have been left disappointed by other trainings, I get it. You might not want to take the plunge again. This is why all my students get 2 full weeks to dive into the tuition and see if it works for them. If you can show that you watched the videos, completed the exercises and still weren’t able to achieve a satisfactory final result with the tuition in 14 days, I’m happy to give you your money back. More details on the refund policy here. 

Is it taught in inches or millimeters?

Right now, the demonstrations are utilising inches. However, a number of the supporting resources include inches and millimeters for reference. 


autocad for interior designers mockup without background

AutoCAD for Interior Designers

ready to enroll?

one-time payment of $397

*For USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa customers. I’m a one-woman show, so ensuring I’m compliant with all laws and tax regulations is a pretty big job. As a result, I’m only able to serve these countries for now. 

still not sure?

what can AutoCAD skills do for you?

digital skills open doors

I 100% used to be someone who said ‘I’m just not good with computers like that’. I was so much quicker to pull out pencils and paper. And I’m not going to lie, I still do and often.

But I can confidently say, it was when I pushed myself to learn and master the digital skills of being a designer that positive changes came for me.

Digital skills allowed me to get promoted, get handed dream projects, transfer skills across studios, schools, and even continents, and have a portfolio of work that still excites me and makes me proud

You deserve that too. 

That’s why I made this site and designed this training. There are way too many talented designers out there who are holding themselves back unnecesarily.  The skills are very much worth the effort to develop and aren’t at all impossible to master. I’m here to help. 🙂


let's get started

Enroll in AutoCAD for Interior Designers today. 

autocad for interior designers mockup without background

AutoCAD for Interior Designers

ready to enroll?

one-time payment of $397

*For USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa customers. I’m a one-woman show, so ensuring I’m compliant with all laws and tax regulations is a pretty big job. As a result, I’m only able to serve these countries for now. 

Autodesk, AutoCAD, and Revit are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries.  Adobe Photoshop and InDesign are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Sketchup, Sketchup Pro, and Layout are registered trademarks of Trimble, Inc.

Audrey Noakes is not affiliated with Trimble, Inc., Adobe, Inc., or Autodesk, Inc.

Copyright 2025.

Audrey Bardwell, practising as Audrey Noakes

International House, 64 Nile Street, London, N1 7SR, UK

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